Monday 29 December 2014

The Beginning of a Hero

It's been a while since I last posted. Just letting people know I'm still working on Spidey. I was started to cut out my vest pattern, but hit a little snag with the back piece. I also order Spiderman lens frames, which took awhile to get here. I just recently finish painting and glueing the lenses.

Once I figure out my vest back piece problem, I will be posting more. 

Wednesday 26 November 2014

After Hal-con

Hal-con, that was a busy weekend. First thing I did when I at there was sign up for the contest. I did not  want a repeat of Animaritimes again. Made sure the next day I got to the judging on time. Brought a reference picture with me. Did some spins on stage. The result.....

Costume I wore for contest 
Nanami Momozono Kagure Outfit, From Kamisama Kiss

Hal-con 2014 
Costume Contest 
Third Place 
Kim Currie

I made top three in the Novice division. I'm so excited that I get to move up to a Journeyman. Here's a link to the winners list and pictures of participance.

Thursday 16 October 2014

Preparing for Hal-con

I'm getting things ready for next month. I'm doing some touch-ups on the Kagura outfit. I'm excited to go, this will be my first time at Halcon, it's going to be big. After Hal-con, I'm going to be starting my work on spidey and keeping up with post.  

Monday 22 September 2014

Next Year Plans

For next Animaritimes, I'm going to be join up with a team.

(Internet picture)
We will be the "Historical Avengers"

I have already chosen to be Spiderman. I have been collecting fabric and materials during my time off (Halloween is the best time to get web fabric).

Most of the group is made up of girls, so most of the Avengers will be females.
My outfit was inspired from the Classic Spiderman and Spiderman Noir. I'm very excited to get started on this outfit.

Rough Week

Hey, it been a while. The last I updated my blog was during Animaritimes, not my best week. During that time I was finishing my costume; at the same time I found out the place i was working at was closing down next week. Then at Animaritimes I forgot to apply to the costumes contest the day before. Not a great week for me.

Now I'm back, with a new job an d planning to going to Hal-con to redeem my mistake.

Here are the finish outfits, enjoy! 
Pictures done Larry Holder
Nanami's Kagure Outfit

Nanami's School Outfit #1

Nanami's School Outfit #2

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Almost There!

I'm really excited about how things are turning out. I had the hakama pants finish on the weekend and the fit wonderfully. Today I'm finish up the painting the back panel of the kimono and going the sewing up the collar/ shoulder area as well. 

Here's a brief look at the finish butterflies. Each size of butterflies has there own look. I will taking more pictures one I assemble the kimono more.

Thursday 12 June 2014

Nanami's Kagura Bell

Took me a while, but I got it done.

I did get some help with the welding and sawing, but I did the majority of work.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Sewing, Pinning, and Painting, Oh My!

I have complete the under- shirt and I have already started to sew the hakama pants.

Usually the under-shirt would have sleeves, but I decided to leave them out. You only get to see the torso and it's going to be very hot in the convention building.

I finishing off the white butterflies on the sleeve right now. Once I'm done painting the base coat I'm going to start paint the designs on them. 

I'm also finishing the Nanami's kagura bell today. Once complete, I'll take a few pictures of it. 

Monday 2 June 2014

Busy Like a Bee!

Hey guys! There has been a lot happening on my end. It involves a lot of purple paint.

This is the back piece of the kimono that I've done with the purple butterflies. It's kind of hard to take a good picture of this because in certain light you can't even see the butterflies. Where I'm at with the stencil work, I still have one sleeve to do in purple, then I'm starting the white base of the coloured butterflies. 

Between my stencil work I been doing other things on the side. I made this necklace last night. Originally I was going to buy a necklace but I couldn't anything. It was harder to find beads that match and necklace- clasps.

The kagura bell, here what it looks like with the bells attached. I also made a "good luck knot" too attach the ribbons to the bell. I still have to get the ribbons.

Today I'm going the working on the last of the purple stencil work and starting to work on the white under shirt.

Monday 19 May 2014

It's Getting There!

Yes! Nanami's kagura bell is coming together. There still some work that needs to be done, but things are happening.

Friday 16 May 2014

Finally, Some Nice Weather!

For the weeks, I have been waiting for a nice, warm sunny day. I finally got one. Yes! Why am I so excited happy about warm weather? I get to spray paint my Prop! That means I'm on the final stages of completing prop.

I have been also doing some stencil work on the side. There's still a lot to be done, but it's getting done.

I'm so happy that things are coming together now.

Sunday 27 April 2014

What I've Been Up To

I haven't been able to get to my sew machine for a while. So I've been getting other thing done.

I finish Nanami's gold hair stick. It's made of cardboard to keep it light.

Here's a close up of the different beads used.

I added a popsicle stick for structure where it sits on my head.

Here is the base for the prop I'm making. I had some help with cutting the shape, but the rest I did myself.

I drew out the design, then trace it out on the wood, and went over it with a sanding tool.

For the curses, I had to use a Xacto knife.
I will be painting soon, once the weather clears up.

Here are the stencils I been working on:

Here a two profiled of butterflies.

Small sized butterfly.

Medium sized butterfly.

Large sized butterfly.
I will be adding more once I start stencilling.

Nanami Finish Uniform

Sorry taking so long to post my finish work. I'm so happy I got the uniform done and how they look.

In the anime series, Nanami had a white shirt as well. I bought the white shirt.

Here is the darker shirt a companied with the bow.

Here is the complete uniform.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Nanami's Kagura Outfit

I am also going to be doing another outfit as well. I'm already starting to collect materials for this outfit and it's going to be big.

Here is a picture of Nanami's kagura outfit I'm making.

Here's are some of the materials so far.

In my previous post, I had a picture of three rings. Well, after I took it to a place to get it welded to create a three ring tear. 

This is a picture of what is going to look like. Right now I'm going to put this on hold.

Nanami School Uniform

I almost done with this outfit. I finish the skirt. I just have to add piping to the front and bottom of the jacket, and make a yellow bow.

Friday 14 March 2014

Cosplay Update

It's been a while since I blogged last, I have been getting things done since my last post.

I'm planning on doing two cosplay outfits this year. The outfits are of Nanami Momozono of Kamisama Kiss, the first being her school uniform, the second her kagura outfit.

A picture of Nanami's school uniform.

I bought the shirt and had it fitted. I finish cutting out the jacket pieces and just press the skirt pleats.

This is a prop I'm making for the kagura outfit. I wanted to get this done before the I start on the actual outfit. I'm don't have a lot of experience on prop making, so it's going to interesting to do.

Monday 24 February 2014

Fitting Issues

I got machine fix up, got a new iron, and sew everything up perfectly. Then putting it on was a whole other story. My jacket's measurements were off. I'm not too upset about the fitting it was just the mock-up.

Friday 31 January 2014

Machines and Things

So this week I had to take up my sewing machine to the repair shop. It's very important to listen to your machine, because certain noise may indicate that it needs cleaning, or there is a serious problem. Luckily my just needed to be oiled.

While my sewing machine is getting fix-up, I'm keeping busy working on drafts for my new cosplay outfit. It's going well right now, I just have it draft a collar and cuffs.

Thursday 9 January 2014

Up-Coming Project

Currently working on fly-rod casing, but I'm hope to be starting on another cosplay outfit soon. 

Winter Projects

I've been sewing rod casings for fly-rods. These are pictures of prototypes I been working on. I have already completed 3 plaid casings and sold them. I'm currently working on the green casings.

Summer Projects

I been doing some small contract work during the summer, like sewing pillow cases and curtains. I sold my Hakama pants. There  was a lot of things happening at the time and I was trying to catch up with everything.

Animartimes 2013

Here's me in my Toph outfit. I did take part in the costume contest. I didn't winner. But it was a learning experience for me and what I learn was I have to perform more on stage. I thought it was pretty good for my first time. I got 40 to 50 people asking me for me picture, which I consider that a win to me. 

Pictures done by Larry Holder. He covered Animartimes as will as Harbour Con-Fusion for photography.