Monday 2 June 2014

Busy Like a Bee!

Hey guys! There has been a lot happening on my end. It involves a lot of purple paint.

This is the back piece of the kimono that I've done with the purple butterflies. It's kind of hard to take a good picture of this because in certain light you can't even see the butterflies. Where I'm at with the stencil work, I still have one sleeve to do in purple, then I'm starting the white base of the coloured butterflies. 

Between my stencil work I been doing other things on the side. I made this necklace last night. Originally I was going to buy a necklace but I couldn't anything. It was harder to find beads that match and necklace- clasps.

The kagura bell, here what it looks like with the bells attached. I also made a "good luck knot" too attach the ribbons to the bell. I still have to get the ribbons.

Today I'm going the working on the last of the purple stencil work and starting to work on the white under shirt.