Monday 23 November 2015

Upcoming Events

My next big event I'm planning to go to is Anime North. I wasn't going to start making anything till I finish the pants, and now that I have finish them, I will be working on my next big project. I am consider on working on two costumes from the same series, but it's still up in the air. I did in fact finish making a necklace for one of the costumes and thought I might post it.

Hakama Pants

So right after Animaritime, I been working on pair of hakama pants for a client. They are custom made. I took this photo between fittings, and the finish pair look a bit different. The pleats in the front are closer together and the back is more fitted. It was a tough project to do, and I'm glad that me and the client are happy with the results.

Animaritimes 2015

Here are the Avengers pictures, better late or never. A few things that happened that day, we did have more people in our group, but they didn't have time to finish their costumes. Then the remainder of us signed up our costumes individually and perform as a group. That's were things started to go down hill. Do to our level of experience in costuming, I was against Rogue and Captain America was against Thor. Rogue and Cap' both won in costuming. For the performance part, it was a disaster. We didn't have time to practice on stage. The audio worker screwed up our music and was very rude to us when we pointed it out. So we had to wait for new music and we did some poses. It was very embarrassing, especially that there was an audience waiting for us.

Left to Right: Me as Spidey, Laura McFarlane as Rogue, Bronwen Robbins as Captain America, and Jessie Scott-Henderson as Thor.

Through out the day there was a Marvel photoshoot by Spoiler Photography. We were getting ready for our shoot, when we stumble across theirs. Dylan the photographer was surprised that we were there and asked for some shots.

After ours shots for Spoiler Photography, it was time for our booked shoot with Hillary McCormack. We took a lot of shots with her. It took while to get these photos because of the editing and the number of photos.

I had a fun time doing this, I may consider being in another group. I might not want to wear a mask again, especially on a hot day.

Wednesday 24 June 2015


So, things have been busy for me lately, I thought I do a quick update of things. After the web-shooters, I  started doing some other projects. I started making an Obi for a friend to wear at the convention (Will be posting of it and others for the convention) and started some work on a pair of Hakama (Will be posting more on them on a later date). So why the sudden update, well the convention I'm going to is this weekend and I will be posting pictures on it and letting you know how it went. Right now, I'm trying to finish up things and getting ready. 

Touch Ups

Last time I posted, I only got one of my web-shooters painted, which didn't go so well. So I got some sealant, and the paint stayed on no problem. After I finish painting the shooters, they were lacking in depth. So, I used some black acrylic paint to give it a more weathered look. Once I got it were I wanted it, I spray a another layer of sealant.

The bottle on the right is before I used the acrylic paint look and the bottle on the left is the finished product.

Monday 20 April 2015


 As you well know, I already have goggles for my costume (see 'Web Sling Menace' post). Around the same time, I also got a web-shooter. After finishing the costume, I found that the red and blue of the web-shooter was too much on the costume. I decided to repaint it based on the same colours as my goggles.

It's hard to see, but there are gold metal loops around the lenses and on the sides has a bronze/copper colour.

Before: Too much red and blue.

 After: Repainted the red in gold, the blue in bronze, and replace the red elastic with black. The red was the easiest to paint, but blue was harder to paint because it was a different type of plastic and I had to use two types of paint. The bronze isn't peeling as much, but I have to be careful with it.

Here is the necklace for the costume. I was worried that I could find a spider necklace that was big enough.

These are gloves and boots that I already had, which ties into the look.

Friday 3 April 2015

Amazing or Spectacular

It's been awhile, but I got the shirt done. I'm so glad that I'm not sewing the day before the convention. Now I just have to worry about meeting up and performing with my fellow Avengers.

This is the final piece to my Spidey outfit. The vest is going to sit on top of the shirt. Everything went well with the shirt, except the button-holes. I haven't done any button-holes on my sewing machine before and it's been while since I've sewn button-holes. Long story short, I need to work on my button-holes more.

Here is the costume all together. I can't wait for the convention! 

So excited!!!

Sunday 22 February 2015

Wall Crawler

I finish sewing up the skirt today. Crinoline, I haven't work with it before and it was a experience.... Anyway, I have only the shirt to make now.

The blue fabric is a cotton, polyester blend, which I'll be using to make the shirt out of. There are two layers of ruffles crinoline on the edging. It gives it a vintage look and resembles webbing.

The are three layers to the skirt: the lining (same blue satin as the vest), crinoline (three ruffle pieces), and the top layer.

Here's what it looks like on me with the vest.

Saturday 24 January 2015

From Your Friendly Neighbourhood Spiderman

Lately, I have been investing time in my spidey vest.

 Vest Front

I used snaps for the closures and add wooden gears to connect to the steampunk theme.

Vest Back (which looks awesome)

 I couldn't decide on which colour of satin lining to use, so I used blue in the front and red in the back.

I had a few problems with the leather and satin. In some areas on the vest the leather is to thick to machine sewn and had to be hand sewn. In the picture above, the sewing machine chewed up some of the satin (only happened to the back of the neck). So I stitched on some bias tape around the chewed area. I recommend you stitch on the bias tape to the lining first to avoid this problem.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Web Slinging Menace!!!

Hey, got my mask pretty much done, I may want to do some touch-ups in some areas though. The mask in the pictures looks a bit baggy because it made for my head and not the styrofoam head.

I used red stretch fabric under web lace. There's a slit in the back to put my head through and it ties up with the black lace ribbon attach to the bottom. 

Here's what the mask looks like with the goggles on.

Next, I'm going to be sewing up my pleather vest. I was having a hard time with the back spider because of how detail it was. I ended up glueing the spider on with some special leather glue.

For the front of the vest I attach web lace on top of the red pleather.