Sunday 27 April 2014

What I've Been Up To

I haven't been able to get to my sew machine for a while. So I've been getting other thing done.

I finish Nanami's gold hair stick. It's made of cardboard to keep it light.

Here's a close up of the different beads used.

I added a popsicle stick for structure where it sits on my head.

Here is the base for the prop I'm making. I had some help with cutting the shape, but the rest I did myself.

I drew out the design, then trace it out on the wood, and went over it with a sanding tool.

For the curses, I had to use a Xacto knife.
I will be painting soon, once the weather clears up.

Here are the stencils I been working on:

Here a two profiled of butterflies.

Small sized butterfly.

Medium sized butterfly.

Large sized butterfly.
I will be adding more once I start stencilling.

Nanami Finish Uniform

Sorry taking so long to post my finish work. I'm so happy I got the uniform done and how they look.

In the anime series, Nanami had a white shirt as well. I bought the white shirt.

Here is the darker shirt a companied with the bow.

Here is the complete uniform.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Nanami's Kagura Outfit

I am also going to be doing another outfit as well. I'm already starting to collect materials for this outfit and it's going to be big.

Here is a picture of Nanami's kagura outfit I'm making.

Here's are some of the materials so far.

In my previous post, I had a picture of three rings. Well, after I took it to a place to get it welded to create a three ring tear. 

This is a picture of what is going to look like. Right now I'm going to put this on hold.

Nanami School Uniform

I almost done with this outfit. I finish the skirt. I just have to add piping to the front and bottom of the jacket, and make a yellow bow.