Thursday 14 March 2013

March Break Madness 2

Friday Night, me and Morgan met up started printing and preparing on shibori for the next day.

Here's two of the two front pieces of the Winter's kimono. We attached the silk to some tubing. Then we took a few inches from the bottom and tied resist tape and rubber bands around so the bottom would stay white. After we attached resist string to the tubing and started to wrapped around the fabric. As we wrap, we push the silk up to tighten the string in order to create more of a texture.

After preparing the shibori, we started laying out the happi coat fabric for printing. We just did the collar and the sleeves.

Here are after looks of the print jobs; first layer we used the same orange as the primary colour, and the second layer we used dark burgundy red. We also added spots to create more texture. They're not quite finish, we're going to be add gold to give it an extra.